Friday, 6 July 2012

Life of a Fashion Intern

Alexis Knox
Today I'm heading down to Notion magazine's office in Old Street, to meet and help out fashion stylist Alexis Knox's team. The rain is pouring down so fingers crossed I'm not sent out running round London as usual. Either way I'm happy to have the chance intern for Alexis as I've been a follower of her and her work for a while. 

Happy Interning to me!

For my work experience with Alexis Knox's team I had to style a show room for a press show that will take place later this week. It's reassuring to know that not all internships mean dragging suitcases round London! The day was spent sorting rails of clothing and styling mannequins. At the end of the day I swapped numbers with Alexis's Fashion Assistants, who said they'll let me know when they next need an extra pair of helping hands...


  1. Hope it went well! Interning is always pretty scary at first.
